7 tips for business branding & marketing

1. Understand your why. Long ago I read a book called Start With Why.

The core of starting with & understanding your WHY behind everything will keep you grounded in the right things as a business & brand.

2. Know your ideal clients problem: the one YOU can solve.

Understanding the way your ideal client thinks is crucial, especially while you’re creating marketing content. If you aren’t getting inside their head & speaking to them the way they will hear you, well… that’s not going to reach them.

3. Consistently invite people into your offer. You aren’t annoying. If takes people at least 7 times hearing/being invited to take that leap.

4. Batch your content! If you’re like me, this isn’t your strong suit.
But it saves you time & brain space!!

5. Back to offering often & consistently: invite, invite, invite! On average, 2.5-10% of your social media followers even SEE your content. 35-50% of your email list too.

Keep showing up. Keep inviting. Keep offering.

6. Believe in your solution! I have seen this time and time again. When I was marketing the sales of my first book years ago, i initially felt like I was being conceited.

I quickly realized I believe the message of my book; i believe in what I offer with oils, as well as a Brand photographer.

What I have to offer will absolutely serve and help so many people!

But it was not until I became CERTAIN that I have much to offer that I could build a sustainable business & brand.


Having a curated gallery of professional imagery to pull from is absolutely a time-saving tool.

I offer a premium branding package that also includes a 30 minute call where we talk about the best ways to use your photos.

If you’re unsure this is for you, book a call and we can discuss it!


Consequences to not showing up as a business


What are your tools of your trade?