FAQs about Branding Package
Frequently asked questions from businesses inquiring about branding sessions!
Here’s how the process works:
1. Free inquiry consult! Ask all the questions. Check our vibes 🪴 and see if it feels right. Potentially look at the calendar to look at a few session dates.
2. You decide YES! Let’s do this!
3. My assistant sends you a contract, an invoice for 50%, Amy calendar to book your Pre Shoot Meeting, as well as a branding questionnaire to complete before our meeting (held via zoom).
4. I remind you the day or two before our meeting to fill out the questionnaire 😜
5. We meet! Virtually! We go through the questionnaire, we dig deep, we come up with all the amazing imagery that *makes sense* for branding your biz! We talk through wardrobes if you want. I tell you about the importance of light & setting, we decide on a venue (or multiple).
6. My assistant ensures you have my branding prep + wardrobe guide. We can text back & forth if needed up until the session. I send you a reminder of what to bring! I book the venues.
Whether you book at half day (2-3 hours) or a full day (5-6 hours) WE HAVE THE MOST FUN.
8. Within 3 weeks your giant, carefully curated gallery will be delivered to your email. You will be blown away at it all. You will be stoked & ready to use them! You might also feel overwhelmed at their amazingness and need a little step by step guidance 👇🏻
9. In that email will be a link to schedule one more call as well as a follow up questionnaire. We will figure out what will serve you most during that 30 minutes and spend our time doing it.
Examples: what images to use on your website on what pages; the basics of understanding social media & marketing; different content ideas; email list & building it.
Ready?! 🥳