What if you’re afraid to post reels?


Afraid to post videos of yourself on social media? Afraid you’ll look fake or weird or unnatural or awkward? Do you watch other creatives & business owners posting & feel like they have something you don’t?

I’d bet 💰 every single one of us felt so awkward, uncomfortable, afraid of being judged when we made our first reel or even our first IG story.

I know I did!

I STILL get those little voices in my head telling me people are judging me.

But you know what?

So what if they are? No, really, so what? What happens if they’re judging you?

Their judgement stems from their own stuff, not you.

The reality is showing your face and speaking to your ideal clientele is the best way to build a trust worthy brand on social media.

We want to know who we are working with! We want to know who we are hiring. Who We are purchasing from.

More than that, it is a sure way to stand out in an over Saturday industry.

Nobody knows exactly what they are doing when they are starting out using new tools to grow their business.

We all have egos worried about what others will think, but I want to inspire you to tell your ego that your worth more than the opinions of others.

There are people who NEED to hear what you have to say, who NEED to know your knowledge.

The best way to start is to…start :)

If you need ideas of reels & videos you can make to get going, drop a comment below & let’s chat!


How much is your selfie costing your business?


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