How do I stand out in an over saturated market?

We want to know who we are working with, learning from, doing business with!

If I’m looking for an illustrator for my Children’s book (real story that happened!) I want to know if you understand & connect personally with the storyline you’re illustrating for me.

If I’m hiring you to document my sacred, yet confusing & complex, pregnancy (after loss!), I need to feel safe with you; I need to know YOU enough to feel trusting in front of your camera.

If I’m hiring you as a biz coach, and I’ve struggled as a woman to break through different money & biz mindset beliefs, I need to hire someone who has been there, is doing the work, & connects with me on that level. Can help ME move through these things.

If I’m looking for a realtor as a first time home buyer, I need to see that you SEE me as a person who is nervous but not wanting to be taken advantage of. I want to feel connected to YOU as YOU are helping me find my very first home-to-own.

If I’m looking to hire a consultant, sure I want an expert but I want to know the PERSON I’m hiring.

We need to know the people we might be hiring.

Your business is so much more than your services & offerings.

Tell us why you do what you do.
How you started doing what you do.
Who you admire & why.
What your fav part of your business is.
What your favorite drink is.
Something hard you’ve overcome & worked through.

Share yourself.
Connect with people.

YOU are what will set you apart.

Snag your branding mini session here!


Turning your business into a brand


Food brands, recipe writers, restaurants: this is for you