“Who Are You?” How to Brand Your Business
Listeners, fans, customers, followers - they want to know about YOU!
If you like reading or drawing or journaling... share that. If you're an avid reader of fiction, share what your current book is.
If you're obsessed with Keeping Up With The Kardashians, talk about it in stories.
If you write poetry in your spare time, tell your people.
Don't JUST share about your business and the product or service you provide: share with people about YOU. Your likes and dislikes. Ask engaging questions.
The way we make an impact on the world is through our businesses and the way we grow our businesses is by branding and branding happens as we share ourselves.
Branding is the gasoline of growing your biz, and it all starts with YOU.
So get out there and POST IT! Don’t hesitate!
Sign up for my Social Media for Branding Workshop intensive through the link in my instagram. I will be streaming it for online participants as well.