SEO tip for your business website


Your website’s home page should have plenty of text!

The actual copy/text on your website is INSANELY important.

Ranking higher on Google takes having words —lots of them, & the right words— on your www.

Google is smart, but the only way She (google is now a She) will understand your brand, your business, your products / services / solutions is VIA THE WORDS written on your website.

Create a list with 8 key pieces that are crucial to your brand, clients, services, products.

Examples: branding photographer; business owners; social media content; brand photo checklist; stock images; level-up your business; save time; consistent content; product photography; commercial photography (these are mine).

Use the headings, subheadings, bodies (1-2 sentences), buttons. In sections on your home page, write about these pieces of your business.

Tomorrow I’ll share a tip on naming your IMAGES so they do help your SEO!

Follow @nataliekristeenphotography for business & branding.

Schedule a free Photog + marketing consult to talk about your session 🤩


All About Personal Branding: Is It For Me?


SEO tip for business owners