What should I post for my personal branding page?

What are you doing Behind The Scenes?⁠

Documenting photos of what your Brand does behind the scenes humanizes your business, simultaneously highlighting your expertise.⁠

Need ideas?⁠

Are you ever...⁠
gathering inspo?⁠
working from a coffee shop?⁠
packaging product?⁠
mocking up product?⁠
working at your desk?⁠
working on your phone?⁠
talking on the phone?⁠
journaling/mindset management?⁠
baking + making products?⁠
sorting through keys?⁠
sifting through florals?⁠

A creative process is going to vary for each Brand and us working together in our pre-shoot meeting to conceptualize all of these moments is going to help you stand out in your industry.⁠


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