Why Your Business Needs Branding: a step by step guide for how and why to brand your business

You’re a business owner.

You don’t know what “your brand” is.

You don’t feel like you have energy to figure that out let alone put in whatever additional work is needed to “brand your business.”

Can someone just simplify all this?

That’s where this ebook workbook comes in.

I’m constantly having conversations with other business owners, saying the same things over and over again.

So I decided to create this ebook workbook for you to download. It has visual examples, it simplifies different pieces + aspects to branding a business, and gives you tasks to do TODAY to begin crystallizing your brand.

What even is branding?

I'm here to tell you that personal branding is a lot less about you bragging to the world about how special + unique you are... And more about setting down the pressure to be the Super Professional Know-It-All Business Owner person.

In short: share pieces of you so that you become a real person to potential clients.

Connection is key.

This creates more trust and brings your business to life.

Creating a safe space through humanizing yourself creates authentic connection which leads to a better experience for your clients and will lead to organic referrals.

Lead your business with who you are.

Often I hear, "I'm not ready for a branding session because I have no idea what my brand is."

My response to that is: We've really over complicated the whole matter.

It's common people when think of "personal branding" there is a self-absorbed connotation.

When you dig a little deeper though, you'll find it simply means being authentic. It is thriving and standing out in your industry.

I like to use the example of one of my former Branding Photography Clients.

She's a Doctor who runs an online business; when we met for our consult she explained how she doesn't want to have any photos in a white lab coat or even with a stethoscope, because she never even wears a white lab coat.

"I know it makes Doctors look like they know everything and should automatically be trusted, but I am a lot less worried about LOOKING a certain way and really want my clients to know I am just as human as them."

That is exactly what Personal Branding is: becoming the real person you already are to the community you are building + serving, to your current + potential clients.

Reality is, building your personal brand will look + be different than the way mine is + looks, but that is exactly how YOU will stand out in your industry and thrive.

Inside this downloadable workbook, we are going to start at the beginning.

The best way to plan any sort of marketing and business growth is to always go back to your why, go back to the beginning, and dig deeper.

You might think you are running your business because you wanted to be able to work for yourself or because you wanted to be in charge of your paycheck…and maybe those are some of the over-view reasons…but there is a deeper ache beneath those that we have to get to, in order to authentically + sustainably brand your business.

See below the table of contents, so you know what to expect inside.

Ready to get clear on your brand and take the next steps for your business? Grab the workbook now.

Why Your Business Needs Branding
A step by step guide for how and why to brand your business.
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