5 Key Branding Components

5 pieces of branding to pay attention to!

Im a branding photographer who is also passionate about helping businesses understand the whole of branding.

I don’t only want to deliver you an amazing photography experience with beautiful imagery… I want to also hand you any helpful knowledge I have in regards to growing your brand.

In our follow up meeting, you can choose to dive into how to share these on your website & social spaces, using your images:

✔️ business foundations—
Values, mission, purpose, vision, promise

✔️target audience / ideal client—
who is this?, identifying who & why, and what you want them to experience

✔️define your impact—
What causes & communities do you want to impact & how?

Email list building & opt-ins, services, products, welcome package, thank you’s

Which platforms? How often? Content creation? Batching? Is it clear?


Ready to book your premium branding session?


Important Question For Biz Owners


What to do if you feel awkward in front of the camera