What to do if you feel awkward in front of the camera

One of the topics of conversation in my free consult and our pre-shoot planning meeting is how you feel in front of the camera. I don’t bring it up, it’s always brought up by the person thinking of doing a branding session.

There are a number of things I could touch on in this post.

I could talk about how to prepare yourself by looking on Pinterest for different poses to practice in front of a mirror so you can see what you like.

I could share how I work pretty hard to bring out natural authentic laughter during the session.

I could share how I’ve been doing this for eight years and know pretty well how to pose people.

I could tell you it’s okay to ask your Photog to see as you go.

But at the end of the day what is super important is our mindset.

We have to dig underneath what is making us feel so insecure and awkward in front of someone else taking our photo.

I know for me I have a fear that people will think I look stupid or vain, & I was raised to believe that vanity is a sin next to sex outside of marriage and divorce. Even tho my head KNOWS showing up & being my joyful, fierce, inviting, goofy, sexy authentic self is a GOOD & HEALTHY thing, my body has stored trauma that shamed me for doing that. So I freeze.

I also have the Voice of Society banging in my head telling me I’m not xyz enough (pretty, thin, curvy, tall, toned, smooth, ETC) like soooo many other women.

If you need to use part of our preshoot meeting to talk through some of this: I AM HERE FOR IT.

My purpose is to create safe spaces, everywhere I exist.

We really just have to smack those voices in our head, talk back to them trying to make us small, & tell them we are the boss. Acknowledge those voices of insecurity & tell them thank you for their service but they’re no longer needed.

Then let me pose you like a baddie 🥂🤩

We got this.
You’re worth documenting.

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5 Key Branding Components


Ren Wild Interior Designs Branding Photoshoot in Portland, OR