Consequences to not showing up as a business

There are actual consequences to not consistently showcasing the best parts of your business & brand.

Showcasing is literally putting it in front of clients & ideal clients…over and over and over again.

Did you know it takes somebody an average of *seven times* to see something before they decide to potentially buy it?


Did you know Instagram and social media at large only shows an average of 2 to 10% of your following your content?

This means that most of your online community is not even seeing what you offer, consistently.

You are not over sharing!

Continue sharing your products and services.

Continue showcasing the unique parts of your brand.

Continue talking about what you offer and why it is set apart.

Put it in front of your market’s eyes.

Continue sharing why working with you should be their choice! Show them why working with you is special and worth their investment.

Be the brand you are, out loud, to the world.


How long until I see my full gallery?


7 tips for business branding & marketing