Coparenting + Single Motherhood

coparenting, single motherhood, business owner, portland

Society & even social media shows us one type of acceptable family. Have you noticed that?

If you’re part of a family that is non-traditional —whether that’s thru single parenthood by choice, adoption, fostering, divorce, blendedness, interracial, non-heterosexual, & any of the other dozens of types of families— you have noticed that.

If you’re in a very traditional family structure, you may not have overtly noticed, but it’s likely you * might * hold some bias towards non-traditional families.

Hell, even us whose families are not traditional hold & fight those biases.

Aren’t they beautiful?

The more I step into who I am and the journey I’m on, the more I want to pour light onto the many ways (real) families exist. And normalize them.

I am by definition a divorced, single mom.

But my kids know family as so much more than “having a split home.”

We have sisters who we haven’t seen in years, since we fostered them as our own.

We have brothers —who are in these photos— who we used to live with & did a whole lot of life with, who we now don’t see as often but when we do, it is so freaking meaningful.

I’m pretty proud of us, after all we’ve been through — I’m not gunna lie 😂

We don’t all live together.

We don’t fit in the traditional box.

We don’t do everything together.

We don’t share blood or dna — out of the 5 boys here, onto 2 of them are “full biological” brothers but if you witness them together, you wouldn’t know it. Nor should it matter, in regards to their bond.

Society can surely suck sometimes but I’m here to push against all the “ideals” & “pretty perfect” white standards.

I’m here to encourage you to show up to your one, wild, precious life & live it honestly without shame.

I’m back to my little family of 4 today, but these 2 days together as a unit of 7 were 👩🏼‍🍳😘 **chefs kiss* 😂

Spring break is almost over & I didn’t take the kids on most of the adventures I’d planned 😆

But we’ve had fun 😍

I’m so grateful I work for myself & can create flexibility!

Do you do anything special for spring break?


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