Social media hack for business

You will attract, build, & retain a community on social media spaces by keeping your content consistently:

😅 entertaining
🧠 educative
💰 valuable

Using YOUR lived experiences, YOUR pain points, YOUR lessons.

When we get too caught up in just being likeable, we aren’t building the trust that can be built through valuable education.

Think you’re not smart enough? Thinking, “But who am I to educate people?”

I get it. Been there. Live there often.

But I KNOW that’s not true because I hear all the time in dms, “Wow thank you for putting to words what I’ve felt but struggled to say.” “Thank you for showing me what to do with my hands in photos.” “Thank you for sharing your struggles with anxiety & adhd, and tools you use to support yourself.”

Maybe you have battles infertility & miscarriage. You started learning about the way toxins + hormone disrupters destroy our reproductive systems. Through that process you grew a passion to detox your home & body & family, and now you’re passionate to help OTHER moms do the same. To clean up their skin, hair, cleaning products, to make their kids & selves healthier. (Hi, it’s me)

Use your pain point & lessons to SERVE and educate.

Build trust.

You’re wise & we need your wisdom.

Head to the link free content guide!


Where my love of photography began


Coparenting + Single Motherhood