Does follower count and video views matter in business?

Happy Monday!

Reminder: follower count + video views (reels, lives, stories, YouTube, tik tok) do not define success! For you nor for others.

Hitting 1k followers or 100k or 1M followers has little to no bearing on whether or not you or someone else is meeting their definition of success.

How I define success for myself?

💥Have I impacted one person in a positive way?

💥Am I helping & serving & supporting others?

💥Am I paying all my bills & putting the food in the fridge + cupboards I desire to?

💥Is what I’m spending my time doing something I love & am passionate about?

💥Am I sharing my money & resources where I can, to help better this community + world?

The other night a couple friends and I were at @barcarlopdx for @portlandmercury ‘s Highball week. We were talking about how money in the hands of women is powerful because women are amazing & good. A lesson my friend Jasmine has really helped me grasp.

Success, for me, isn’t about a specific income amount but far more about the impact I’m making on the world around me. In my home, community, & beyond.


Follower counts come & go, and success is *not* defined by those numbers ♥️

How do you define success?


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