Having Anxiety, ADHD, Depression…and running a business

I struggle with immense anxiety & also depression, accompanied with ADHD.

These are all really hard to live with, & I know I’m not the only one.

You know that constant underlying feeling that something terrible is happening or is about to happen, & it exists under your skin at all time?

When I’m triggered really deeply it can feel like my throat is closing in & I cannot speak, barely breathe.

Anxiety seems to live directly beneath the surface of my skin, thoughts + concerns + fears intruding my thoughts, the constant feeling that I’m falling behind & I’m not enough and..

When it comes to running a business it can be easy to get stopped up short & swirled into the vortex of anxiety.

Fighting to maintain Mental health is a huge component of my every day life & building + growing a business, so I thought I’d share a few things I keep as priority to support myself:

✔️Talk Therapy
✔️EMDR/Trauma therapy
✔️Daily exercise
✔️Huge Limit on scrolling any apps
✔️Taking 3 minutes to map out my work week tasks, hour by hour, and add to the calendar
✔️Batch create & schedule: emails, blog posts, IG posts
✔️Specific essential oils diffused & put on my skin
✔️Specific supplements for gut health, & overall health
✔️Water intake— less coffee (1 cup per day), little -to-no alcohol, more water
✔️Boundary building for time with my kids
✔️Practicing setting & holding boundaries w/ people who drain me (most ppl, I’m introverted)
✔️Mindset work thru courses (by @womenofwoo)

☝🏼ALL of these things feel like they take forever out of my day which adds to anxiety: I do not have enough time to do everything I need to do.

But the REALITY is, when I slow myself down & do these things that truly take anywhere from 1 minute to 30 minutes (exercise), it DOES help my depression.

These things do help me escape from the incessant experience of anxiety, here & there AND ALSO move my business forward.

Be sure your on my biz tips email list: I’m sending my 3 fav tools to support my biz + mental health.

Do any of the things listed overwhelm you? What comes up for you?


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