Where my love of photography began

I was married & trying to get pregnant while adopting (🤪) when I first asked for a professional-ISH camera.

I knew I’d want to document EVERY LITTLE THING the little people did when I became a mom (I wasn’t wrong).

I served women as a birth doula at the time and ended up offering them some free maternity & birth shots and then added it on (for so cheap, no wonder that biz made me $0) as an additional service.

I did get pregnant, a year after I was gifted that camera, nearly 2 years into trying to get pregnant. We’d also started the adoption journey too.

I quickly miscarried that pregnancy tho, which sent me into deep grief & a need to halt my birth doula business.

I stopped attending births but I’ve never stopped using my camera ♥️ in many ways my miscarriage instilled in me the importance of photography on a personal & emotional level— I knew once our babies were in my arms, I would be documenting their life, because they’re ever changing & life is fleeting.

Now I help tell brand’s stories which is a new kind of love for photography + people.

It’s helping create imagery that tells YOUR story, leaving YOUR legacy & the change you’re making through your personal brand every single day.

And wooo! Learning your story & helping create a visual story for you is such a humbling but fun place to be.

Are you next?


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