How much is your selfie costing your business?

How much is all your phone SELFIES really costing your business?⁠

Reality is, visuals play an incredible role in how your brand is viewed + thought of.⁠

Think about how many times you may have purchased something or opted into an email freebie because it LOOKED PRETTY.⁠

We shop with our eyes and make most decisions based off our first impressions.⁠

Attention spans are shortening, we need to make a good impression within those first 3-7 seconds of popping into feeds or when they land on our website.⁠

Over using selfies can cheapen a brand...and YOU are not a cheap brand. You are phenomenal.⁠

Lets put your best foot forward.⁠

If you're ready to level up your biz through personal branding photography, send me a DM.⁠

OR book a free consult through my profile.⁠

I am so ready for you 🤩


Friday Introductions: Hi, I’m a Portland branding photographer!


What if you’re afraid to post reels?