What should you use your brand photos for?⁠

—Reintroduce yourself! Every time other brands do this, I am reminded they are a personal brand + I fall more in love with them.⁠

Reading through somebody's why or vision or passion is not boring to me, it reminds me why I love purchasing from or investing in them.⁠

—Update all your profile photos. Drop the logo!⁠

—Pinterest! Oh my wordddd. I have been adding this into my weekly to-do list and I want you to benefit from it too.⁠

Pinterest is an amazing search engine.⁠

Everything is represented by a Pin — an image that is searched and saved by Pinterest users.⁠

Pins can link back to websites, which is why Pinterest is GREAT for driving traffic (and sales!).⁠

—Website. Continue updating your website. Take down those grainy phone images or the stock photos you found. Update them with your curated professional imagery :)⁠

—Reels covers.⁠

Be sure to follow for more: I'll be sharing a reel about how I easily use Pinterest + create reels covers!


What if you’re afraid to post reels?


Let’s Create Your Own Business Stock Photos!